Explosion-proof storage and dosing system AK-DOS® for Barntrup

Zwölf Meter hoher Turm verleiht Kläranlage ein neues Gesicht

Twelve metre high tower gives sewage treatment plant a new face

Over the next 20 years, 110,376,000 cubic meters of wastewater will be treated in Barntrup using our latest plant from the AK-DOS® family. The associated powder activated carbon silo with integrated control and machine technology in compact design from SÜLZLE KOPF Anlagenbau is the 13th plant of this type. Numbers 14 and 15 are in the planning phase and will go into operation in 2018. In order to remove additional micropollutants sustainably from the treated wastewater before it is discharged into streams and lakes, sewage plant operators are increasingly turning to the fourth treatment stage with activated carbon powder (PAH). The pollutants are bound (adsorbed) to powdered activated carbon and safely and finally eliminated from the water cycle. The AK-DOS® system from SÜLZLE KOPF Anlagenbau impresses with the safe storage of powdered activated carbon, demand-regulated dosing with suspension generation and the necessary control system. The coordinated interaction of all modules leads to a very high dosing accuracy. The new plant in Barntrup is expected to go into operation at the beginning of 2018.

Facts and figures about the project:


Waste water in the next 20 years

12 m

Tower height

Location of the reference project:

Kläranlage Barntrup
32683 Barntrup

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